Sunday 10 April 2011

High content of proteins, diets low in carbohydrates with compound of Colon cancer

Persons after a high content of protein, low carbohydrate diet may be an increased risk of colon cancer, says a new study, due to changes in the colon.
High content of proteins, "low-carb" diets advocate eating foods heavy in saturated fat and Bacon, eggs, red meat and dairy products, but to avoid foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals and fruits.
This is in contrast with the advice of traditional diet, recommended to eat less animal products and more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers since 17 obese men on diets of tres-corto term.
The first diet was a plan of one week that allowed 360 grams of carbohydrate each day and includes food such as eggs and toast for breakfast; a sandwich and salad for lunch. and pasta with fish or soybean for dinner.
Number two, a four-week plan, diet allowed a lean 22 grams of carbohydrates per day; Bacon and eggs for breakfast; lunch and dinner consisted of foods high in meat, poultry, fish and some cheeses and vegetables.
The last of the diet, a "moderate-" carbohydrates, allowed only 181 grams of carbohydrate each day for four weeks; both diets of high protein biscuits amounted to less than 140 grams of protein every day.
After each diet, scientific fecal samples of men collected and analyzed the levels of specific metabolic by-products; find to eat a diet high in proteins, males had higher levels of N-nitrous, and other compounds related to cancer. In addition, samples showed lower levels of compounds that help reduce the risk of cancer.
However, scientists not sure how these results will affect health long term of a person, but they suggest be cautious before taking any diet that is low in dietary fiber. Meat does not contain fiber. Health experts recommend adults consume 28 grams of fiber a day.
Diets low in carbohydrates rose to fame in 1972 when Dr. Robert Atkins published Dr. Atkins diet revolution promote the consumption of foods with high content of fat for weight loss and challenging approach of low fat content.
Since then, many books have been written advocating meat more to improve health, claiming ancestors human were mainly hunters and mainly consume meat. But this opinion continues to be controversial and not accepted.
In previous years, the American Heart Association has cooled down in its criticism of low carbohydrate diets; recognition of low carbohydrate diets provide some benefit in the treatment of conditions such as metabolic syndrome.
Image credit: dreilinger

Saturday 9 April 2011

United States prohibited Japanese food due to radiation

As damage nuclear reactors in Japan will continue to get out of control and concern about the increase of contaminated food, the United States now has banned the import of some food from Japan.
Food United States and drugs (FDA) issued the edict Wednesday, when Japanese officials found radiation in crops near the reactors made. The FDA does not want contaminated food to enter the U.S. food supply.
Last week, Japan fears that radioactive materials released into the air, after the earthquake which damaged nuclear reactors, could contaminate local crops. Japanese health experts warned that this radiation could increase the risk of certain cancers such as leukemia and bone and thyroid cancer.
So the FDA stopped imports of dairy products and fruit and vegetables from affected areas of Japan. Also, Japanese seafood will be the subject of radiation detection before that you can sell.
But according to the FDA, food imports from the accounts of less than 4% of United States food Japan. For example, restaurants in New York not to import a large amount of fresh products of Japan.
While restaurants have not experienced shortage of supplies, because many ingredients are grown in the United States, other products, these wrappers from rice and nori, soon may be imported from places as Korea of the South.
And Japan is facing another challenge. The evidence shows in Tokyo tap water contains levels of radioactive iodine double the safe limit for children. Radioactive particles take drops of moisture in the air. Health officials announced that it is not safe for parents in Tokyo to give their babies the tap water.
Until now, Japan has banned the sale of raw milk and spinach in States near the damaged reactor.
In 1986, the meltdown of Chernobyl in the Ukraine (now Ukraine) RSS devastated and large displaced populations and is linked to widespread and severe defects of birth in the region.
Government agencies in Japan, however, continue to minimize immediate risks to human health, as well as those of the United States; they fear that the radiation will reach the West Coast, which has.
Image credit: trends in Japan

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The lovers of the salt can be halted with exercise hypertension

There is some good news for lovers of the salt! According to some new research, people who exercise are less likely than their blood pressure elevated by a diet high in sodium.
A high salt diet has been widely accepted as one of the main factors that contribute to high blood pressure, but this new research shows that some "sensitive to salt" people may have found a loop hole.
The research was conducted by Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, who studied a group of people in northern China that consists in around 1900 men and women with a median age of 38. None of the participants were hypertension medicines.
During the first week of the study participants received a diet that delivered 3000mg of sodium. The next week they received a diet of 18,000 mg of sodium per day. Everyone's blood pressure was measured 9 times that every week and participants called for a series of questions to determine their level of exercise. Those who had a 5% increase in systolic blood pressure when he joined the high sodium diet were labeled as "highly sensitive salt".
The results showed that persons who were the most active were 38% less likely to be highly sensitive salt than the less active group. The next group of higher activity had a lower risk of 17 per cent and that in the next group of less activity had a lower risk of 10%. The researchers concluded that those exercising significantly reduced their risk of developing hypertension due to the sensitivity of salt. The researchers noted that while the results of this study are promising, they need to be repeated and pairs revised.
While this study is good news for all lovers of salt there, caution before you use the study as an excuse to consume more sodium. It is important to bear in mind that even those who were is in danger, as exercise only reduced the risk by 38%.
People who exercise still must have its pressure they checked regularly and adjust accordingly of sodium intake.

Monday 4 April 2011

Does diet makes you angry and stressed?

The idea of reaching a stick of celery when all really want is a large slice of chocolate cake, probably would make most people a bit grumpy.
And, according to the results published in the Journal of Consumer Research, exercise self-control, while diet can in fact that people feel angry and irritable.
Research has shown that exercise self-control makes most likely people to behave aggressively towards others, and people on diets are known to be irritable and quick anger. Source
Researchers establish four experiments to compare the attitudes of the volunteers who were on a diet, with those who ate what they wanted. They found that:
Participants who choose an Apple on a bar of chocolate were more likely to choose movies had plots angry, full of revenge. Those who choose a gift certificate for food rather than one for a spa service, showed more interest in looking at angry faces against the more fearful.And, in another experiment, people who chose a healthy snack rather than a health irritated by a public service announcement, promote the year.
Interestingly, researchers have linked to these feelings of anger, irritation and stress to the Act of self-control while exercising diet, rather than "diet" Yes.
The researchers point out that more aware of the potential negative emotions, which can result when the public are encouraged to exercise more control auto on its daily decisions makers of public policy.
Why does you - be on a diet that sits more irritated or angry? As the options of food are it heals without feeling as he is being denied to you same?
Image source: Kreutziana

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Dr Pepper launches 'he-man' diet soda

Diet soda is not very "virile". Not that I put much material on what constitutes "Manhood" as often varies according to social whims and trends.
It is the fact, diet soda is heavily marketed to women - up is now. Introduction "Dr. Pepper 10", a pop diet makes no bones about their target market, proclaiming the end of his TV spot "is not for women". The commercial is like induced testosterone as it gets, essentially a context of "Rambo/predator-esque" with heavy artillery and a pursuit of the vehicle.
Dr Pepper is trying to ball the trend of the previous attempts of Sosa giants with diet, diet Mountain Dew, Diet Coke and Pepsi Max 7-Up, all vying for a market largely untapped.
While the soft drink of diet of the industry segment is gaining ground in its calorie counterpart, are also competing against the trend of bottled water, drinks "healthy alternative" (as improved vitamin juice/water), and drinks of course, energy. The largest beverage companies have adopted these products in all forms, but deviate...
The question is, promotions Dr Pepper has his work cut out for them. Several competitors, does not know that the guys are headache for their "own" diet drinks. I cannot speak on behalf of all men, but it is only my instinct.
Do you think that the Dr Pepper 10 will be a success? Does or will go the way of "New Coke", "Pepsi clear" and "Soda dinner Jones' Thanksgiving"?
Image credit: Popsop

Monday 14 March 2011

Sugary drinks raise blood pressure

Sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks, they may increase the risk of hypertension, says a new study.
Findings showed that each "extra" Tin of sugary soft drinks consumed increased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.
The Centers for disease and Prevention Control warns that any drink containing corn syrup of high fructose, fructose, concentrated juice of fruits, honey, sugar, syrup, corn syrup, sucrose dextrose is considered a "drink sweetened sugar."

Published in the journal of hypertension, researchers examined data on 2,696 volunteers, the ages of 40 to 59, of United States and Great Britain. And more than three weeks, the participants of the study is called four times to report had eaten it in the last 24 hours, give samples of urine and blood pressure.
Data revealed each extra can of soda or beverages sweetened they drank every day, individuals had an average of 1.6 greater mmHg systolic reading blood pressure and an average of 0.8 mm Hg diastolic reading greater. So the researchers recommend people limit the consumption of soft drinks.
In addition, the scientists found that people who eat more normally sweetened beverages have unhealthier diet; more calories and less fiber and minerals.
The American Heart Association encourages reduced consumption of sugar added due to possible health risks, including high blood pressure, I stroke, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Image credit: norcalblogs

Friday 11 March 2011

Study says cholesterol does not cause a stroke

There is a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the issue of the saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease these days. Certainly it seems that cholesterol on their own is a poor predictor of heart disease.
And, to add to this confusing jumble, a new study published in the journal Annals of Neurology suggests that cholesterol has little or no causal role in the development of ischemic.
Conventional advice says that you one of the risk factors for ischemic stroke, high cholesterol levels (when the blood supply to the brain is blocked by the buildup of fatty deposits in the blood vessels).
14,000 men and women were followed by more than 30 years. Researchers analyzed the relationship between the levels of cholesterol and the risk of ischemic stroke. No found no relationship at all in women and any increased risk of stroke in men, less than high cholesterol 9.0 mmol/l (348 mg/dl) or more.
Levels of triglycerides and risk of stroke
Researchers also examined the relationship between the levels of triglycerides and risk of stroke, and discovered that when the risk of heart attack increased triglyceride levels was higher, too.
So, it seems stroke is more closely related to the triglycerides of cholesterol, but if higher levels really cause a stroke is still unknown.
Curiously, previous evidence has linked the triglycerides with increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The researchers concluded,

Download both lipids more benefits to reduce LDL-C only. Source
So, how can we reduce triglyceride levels?
Maintain a healthy weight.Be more active.Avoid high consumption of carbohydrates, especially the simple sugars. Limit the intake of alcohol.Quit smoking.
The Government guidelines recommend a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates, but if you avoid consumption of carbohydrates high is beneficial for triglyceride levels, perhaps conventional nutrition boards require a renewal - what is your opinion?
Image source: Kurhan

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Restrictive diet can significantly help to ADHD

A study published in The Lancet has shown that a restrictive diet can serve to reduce the symptoms of the disorder of hyperactivity in young children (ADHD) attention deficit.
100 children between the ages of 4 and 8 were placed on a diet containing foods not processed for five weeks.The restrictive diet began with a diet called the "few diet food" which includes only rice, meat, vegetables, pears and water. The researchers then supplement this diet with certain foods such as potatoes, fruit and wheat. The ADHD symptoms declined by 78 per cent of them. When she was reintroduced alleged problems of food in the diet, two-thirds of the children suffered a relapse into symptoms.
The authors of the study had to say about the results;

A strictly supervised restricted elimination diet is a valuable tool to assess if the ADHD is induced by food... We think that it should be considered intervention dietary in all children with ADHD, provided that the parents are willing to follow a diet restricted elimination of diagnosis for a period of five weeks, and expert supervision is always available.
Children with ADHD have problems focusing, paying attention and may be hyperactive.
Food sugary for a long time were considered the main culprit when it ADHD, but the evidence in this Department is low. Food additives, however, appear to be gaining ground as the main trigger for dietary for this disorder.
This research is promising, as the results were very significant. (Sin_embargo,_la_cuestión_principal,_es_si_habrá_sufrido_un) diet results and b) parents and children may continue with this type of restrictive eating.
It would make common sense to try to reduce the amount of food processed in a child's diet - regardless of whether symptoms of ADHD. It would be interesting to have a third arm of treatment with a reduction in moderate in processed foods.
Image credit:

Saturday 5 March 2011

Why Eating nuts helps with weight loss?

Many people leave your food plan nuts trying to lose weight, because they think they are too high in calories. This is a big mistake.
Its obvious nuts are high in calories, but studies show that those who eat nuts regularly tend to have a BMI lower compared with those who do not.
In a study published in the journal of the American College of nutrition, 81 healthy adults told to supplement their diet with almonds every day (320 calories worth); no more instructions on food intake were given. After six months the average body weight increased only 0.40 kg
Another study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, looked healthy 20 overweight women who received 65 grams of almonds for 10 weeks. Predicted weight gain, but instead their weights were on average 155.9 154.6 pounds pounds. The researchers concluded that a daily ration of (340 calories) almonds can include in your diet with limited weight gain risk
So it seems clear that the effects of the consumption of nut on weight are insignificant or non-existent.
In addition, remember that in these studies, the participants were not any kind of diet. Simply added nuts to your normal way to eat.
Another study, published in International Journal of obesity related metabolic disorders, had looked 65 overweight or obese individuals and compared the effect of the addition of 84 g almonds by day, complex carbohydrates chosen car verses. They found that the almond-enriched, low lead calorie diet to a further reduction in body mass index, body weight the circumference of the waist and fat.
The evidence is very strong to suggest the nuts can and should be included in your regular or weight diet loss without fear to gain weight.
1 Nuts are satisfactory
When eating nuts reduces appetite and this means a reduction in energy consumption in subsequent meals over the course of a day.
2. Not all fat is absorbed
Not all fat contained in nuts efficiently is absorbed by the intestine. It is suggested that up to 20 percent of the lipid content of nuts you will lose in the stool, which is around 10-20 percent of the energy contained in nuts.
3 Nuts stimulates metabolism
Some studies have shown that nuts can increase metabolic rate by more than 10 percent.
As just calories in thinking about weight loss, calories out is a gross simplification of reality. And when focus too much on calories, if often leads to a low calorie diet, that is not necessarily healthy (for example, called "diet" foods). Also, these foods do not satisfy appetite which means that it is always hungry, and therefore, the diet of I - yo is inevitable.
The key with the addition of nuts to the diet is to eat them instead of instead of than less nutritious foods that you may be eating.
Thus, rather than bring in carb-heavy snacks between meals, go for a handful of raw, nuts without salt and don't feel guilty for her.
Number of nuts in a 1 oz (30 g) serving:

Almonds nuts: 20-24Brazil: 6-8Cashews: 18Hazelnuts-16: 18-20Pecans: 18-20 (halves) Pine Nuts: 150 - 157Pistachios: 45-47Walnuts: 8-11
Image source: Egahen

Thursday 3 March 2011

United Kingdom restaurants to include calorie information on menus

Here in United Kingdom, the Government is encouraging restaurants agreement include calorie counts on their menus.
But effective it is likely to be?
The scheme is currently voluntary, but if companies did not cooperate, the Government can adopt legislation to implement the conformity.
The changes are likely to come into effect in September:

Restaurants, impressions, cafes, bars and sandwich shops signed up to put calorie labelling in their menus to eat and to prepare them since September this year.
It seems a good movement, empowering consumers make wise decisions. The Government feels will address the problem currently facing many dieters: meals prepared at home are easy to count calories as packages are labelled, but meals consumed in cafes staff, canteens and restaurants must be "guesstimated" at best.
The problem is, a small study of America suggests a similar scheme necessarily did not work. The researchers have published their results in the International Journal of obesity.
427 of low-income parents and adolescents were surveyed about their fast food habits before and after the introduction of calorie labelling. While many parents and adolescents noted information, some of them (9% of adolescents and 28% of adults) were considered at the checkout. In general, the number of calories consumed were the same as the introduction of calorie labels.
Even when calorie information is present, it is far from the only thing consumers will take into account. "Flavour" and then on "price", were the main factors considered by parents and adolescents in this study.
Local restaurants have calorie information? If so, it makes a difference to what you ask?
Image credit: Yaletown Business Development Association

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Whole grains for longer life and less disease

Consume whole grains most reduces the risk of premature death, says a new study. And it is the fibre that makes a difference.
The researchers explain that not only is fiber benefits the heart, which helps prevent heart attacks, but fiber from whole grains also decreases the risk of respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia and chronic bronchitis and other infectious diseases.
In addition to fiber, the American Heart Association includes whole grains as a good source of iron, which carries oxygen in blood and selenium, known to strengthen the immune system.
Write in the Archives of Internal Medicine, scientists found that fiber whole grains – not fruits and vegetables – had the greatest impact in reducing risk of death; even of cancer. The research included data on more than 500,000 members AARP; participants from survey of eating habits study over a period of nine years.
The results showed that people who ate more fiber (30 grams per day for men) and 25 grams per day for women were 22% less likely to die from any cause during the study, compared to individuals who eat less amount of fiber (13 grams per day for men) and 11 grams per day for women.
For specific diseases, men consume a diet high in fiber had a 24% lower risk of dying from heart disease, 31% lower risk of dying from respiratory diseases, 56% lower risk to die of an infectious disease and were 17% less likely to die of cancer. Reductions in risk were similar for women.
But scientists aren't sure why fiber intake associated with lower risk of death from respiratory diseases and infectious diseases. It could be anti-inflammatory properties of the fiber, but more research is needed.
The Centers for Disease Control and prevention include whole grains in their list of foods to maintain a healthy, weight together with fruits, vegetables, dairy products low in fat and fat, fish, and lean meat and poultry cuts.

Image credit: hubimg

Sunday 27 February 2011

Parents buy bad food if the athletes support it

Parents are more likely to purchase less healthy foods if stars of sport promotion, says a new study.
Researchers said the study participants perceived as healthier and higher quality product if it was an athlete more than half have not read the nutrition facts.
Parents buy junk food contributes to the global obesity, especially childhood obesity epidemic. According to the world Organization of health in 2010, 42 million children were overweight worldwide.
Reporting in the journal of nutrition for health, 1,500 observed parents researchers who had children from 5 to 12 years of age and were given a choice between two foods, both low in nutritional value.
Scientists presented products in a variety of ways, either a single package with the nutrition facts a package also includes nutritional claims of information and nutrition — such as "high in calcium" - or a package with a celebrity, athlete endorsement by saying something like "I love this high content of fibre cereal".
The data showed that only 44% of study participants read the nutrition facts that were available in all packages. And parents who ignore the nutrition facts were twice as likely to choose the product unsafe if a claim of nutrition, and almost two-and-a-half times more likely to choose food unhealthy if a sports figure endorsed more even if sports star was to make a claim on it.
Researchers say the highlights of the study that how show nutrition facts must be reconsidered.
Recently, in an effort to improve awareness among consumers of information about nutrition, the grocery Manufacturers Association and the Food Marketing Institute unveiled a new system of voluntary labelling of food called "Keys to nutrition," encourages food producers to show the four most relevant facts of the nutrition on the front of packaging for food, fiber and salt content.
Image credit: McDonaldsAllAmerican

View the original article here

Thursday 24 February 2011

The Gracie diet

The Gracie family are known for your achievements in the martial arts. And a secret of success is the strict diet, which you apparently follow.
Grand Master, Carlos Gracie, developed the Gracie diet based on his observations (over 65 years) the impact of various combinations of food.
Is this book, something I first heard spacing meals at least four and a half hours apart and separation diet - years ago when my mom if on "Fit for Life." However, there is no idea the I especially fond of am.
A study published in the International Journal of obesity considered 2000 of the benefit of separation diet for weight loss and found no evidence that it was effective.
In the book you will break after the digestive enzymes needed food down grouped. This means that only the food compatible groups together can be eaten at a meal as a way of reducing the body's work load, easing digestion, and therefore essential functions, such as training, healing of injuries and diseases, priority may have.
Unfortunately, although this sounds great on paper, there are around very little science back it up.
The book is also a family "affair," promoted, but I think it would be quite difficult for children to eat to suit this type. And it seems unnecessary for you also.
I must say, the basic concept behind this diet, is a no-no for me. I know, like eating difficult questions for people because it makes "healthy" seem unattainable.
I think but not also the food is dangerous. So if this sounds like your kind of thing, here are some of the ideas the I liked about the Gracie diet: it promotes the gaps between meals - for most people, this is a good thing that force you to eat less. However, it is probably not suitable for diabetics or those, to train. Almost all foods can be eaten (but you have properly combined are).On the official website there are recipes, how-to videos and many other tools and tips. The interactive Gracie diet table is getting very useful for getting food groups and what foods can be eaten under control of. Right vs. eating junk food food is always something going, feel healthier and more energetic to leave.Exercise is encouraged.

The Gracie diet is available for $30 at Amazon.

Monday 21 February 2011

Toddler's junk food diet can lead to lower IQ

What we put in our bodies (and by extension) make our children, has far-reaching implications for better or worse.
While we constantly hear about how bad eating habits children are fat, an epidemiological study shows that young children diet to future cognitive skills may impact.
Researchers from the University of Bristol saw data on 3966 children born between 1991 and 1992. The children's parents had to survey your children nutrition completed by age 3, 4, 7 and 8.5 and children À of age 8.5 measured.
Parents their children use a variety of food and beverages, including details like the fat content of milk, refined bread or whole grain were and how much soda or coffee consumed children recorded.
Parents reports assigned to Explorer kids one of three categories of diet:
A "processed" diet, high in fat, sugar and Kalorien.Eine "traditional" diet (within the UK), comprising meat, potatoes, bread and vegetables. A "health conscious" eating whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta and lean proteins like Fisch.Insgesamt children ate empty calories fast food diet in the age of 3, had a small drop in IQ at the age of 8.5, compared to kids eating healthy Lebensmittel.Die study controlled for other factors that may affect IQ, such as parental education level, maternal diet during pregnancy, socio-economic status and stressful life events.For each unit increase in processed foods children lost 1.67 points in IQ.For each unit to increase healthy eating children gained 1.2 IQ points. early diet appeared later verbal skills kids, more than their performance impact. "Performance IQ refers to an individual innate intellectual ability, while verbal IQ more impact of education that is affected by factors such as parenting and environment reflects," wrote the researchers.
According to the researchers is this study in accordance with previous studies in this age group, which suggests that overall eating habits are associated with behavior in certain hyperactivity and school performance both later child in early childhood.
This study shows that common adage, "Food is fuel" refers both to how we our bodies and our brains fuel. Toddler's brains are a mad house of action - forming neural connections at a dizzying rate. Is it only appropriate that diet would give some influence one way or another on this delicate and intensive processes.
Although dietary recall studies prone to inaccuracies and IQ questionable tests, deserves the validity of the role of food intake and some work intellectual study more. It would be interesting if you could to tease further out more specific dietary patterns within the groups. Like the question I had to do me as much fish consumption with the results.
Image credit: maveric2003

Friday 18 February 2011

Chocolate announced as a "Super Food" and "Super Fruit"

It's hardly news that dark chocolate contains some healthy goodies such as antioxidants and polyphenols. But now, according to new research, headlines have been a "super fruit" dubbing chocolate.
Last time, chocolate - dark or not checked - not as a my five daily counts. But in fact, leading scientist Dr. Debra Miller really was said:
Cocoa seeds should as a ' super fruit' and products of cocoa seed extracts as natural cocoa and dark chocolate as "super foods".
The study will be published in the chemistry Central journal.
Miller and colleagues compared fruits like Acai berries, blueberries, cranberries and pomegranates cocoa powders from Boden-Up "super food" made. According to Miller, they found that "the connections in dark chocolate as well as the botanical compounds in fruit."
What does this mean for Chocoholics? The scientists recommend the benefits of this new "super fruit", cocoa powder, recipes and drinks to get can use.
Use this new study, and the headlines as a pretext to scoff down extra chocolate though excited.
Chocolate is very high in calories, sugar and Fat.Dunkle chocolate or cocoa powder gives only the benefits cited in the study.The Hershey Company (chocolate manufacturers) sponsored this research, so obviously a vested interest will encourage us to eat more chocolate.
Thinking chocolate can or should be part of a balanced diet?

Image credit: John Loo

Thursday 17 February 2011

Poll: Oprah's great Vegan challenge

The Queen of daytime TV has just released its final decision.
Join me and my 378 staffers and go vegan for a week, she declares her throne Chicago. Oprah was inspired to go vegan after reading Vegan: Lose Weight, get healthy, change the world by Kathy Freston, that a brand new book promoting a vegan diet.
I assume this millions of people on the band wagon vegan put will if they answer the call from Oprah, even if it is for only one week.
From my understanding it takes at least two weeks to the positive health benefits of doing a vegan diet. Many in the first week are a bit sick, as their body to the new way of eating.
Personally, I have no problem with veganism, but it bugs me how a person, such as Oprah, such an impact on the masses.
What do you think? Participate in the survey and comments below.
Source: The Huffington Post
Will you join Oprah and go vegan for at least a week?

Monday 14 February 2011

1 in 3 adults have high blood pressure or high cholesterol

A new report from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found 1 in 3 adults have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
And 80% of adults does not control their blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, despite the fact that health insurance and access to low-cost treatment.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol are important risk factors for heart disease. Each year 785,000 U.S. adults have their first heart attack, another 470,000 have their second (or more) heart attack; According to the previous CDC data.
The new report is displayed in a vital functions, also found 1 in 3 adults get no treatment for high blood pressure; 1 in 2 adults do not have their blood pressure under control; 1 in 3 adults get no treatment of high cholesterol; and 2 in 3 adults have not their high cholesterol under control.
A spokesman for the CDC says we are missing to prevent cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in the United States, more attention should be on prevention and better education.
Cholesterol-LDL or "bad" cholesterol-must be less than 160 in otherwise healthy people. Blood pressure should be less than 120 over 80. The CDC says something higher than 140 over 90 intervention required.
Heart disease deaths range from race to race. In 2004 showed CDC data that African Americans are more likely to die of heart disease (25.8% of the deaths) than Hispanics and whites, with 22.7% and 27.5% respectively.
According to the American Heart Association, poor nutrition, high salt intake, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol use, and not with prescribed medications all risk factors for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Image credit: breathing newbies

Sunday 13 February 2011

Vegan and Low-Carb: no one cares about your diet

There is a saying, opinions are like belly-buttons, everyone has one-actually is the South a different body part, further. This is especially true when it comes to diet.
I have been blogging about health and nutrition for almost five years. In the beginning, I blogged a very bias point (unfortunately), promotion of a "guru" vegan agenda. I'm not vegan, never has been.
Nowadays I blog more objectively. Some diet-Blog readers would disagree, say that I have a vegetarian agenda. Not me. I'm not even vegetarian. I mostly fruit and vegetables, and no meat, poultry, milk or eat eggs, but I eat fish. to be honest, my diet more Mediterranean than anything else.
In my time spent blogging about diet-that seems like an eternity-I've encountered a lot of different, in contrast, and downright radical views. When you have a blog about a vegan lifestyle (like I did for too many years), you get a bunch of tree huggers and hippies who sing, "down with meat, dairy and livestock farmers. Eat more cabbage! And save the whales! "
What is this lead to? A backlash of the opposite opinion; Pro-Meat people. In most cases is the Atkins, low-carb people. And I've taken my fair share of backlash, especially when I was paid to shill. "You idiot," they shout, "people are hunters. We should only eat meat. The Masai live hundred on nothing but blood, guts and offal. Oh, and screw the whales! "
Here's my point. Vegans, and for the lack of a better term, "low-carbers," a very small proportion of the population. Both lifestyles are radical and too restrictive for the average American. People want to eat all kinds of things, for better or worse.
A peeved off vegan or low carber is like the guy standing in Times Square, shouting in a megaphone, "sinners, the world ends. You must repent! " Yes, he is there, making a fuss, but nobody listens.
Now why I bring this up? Well, this week, the u.s. Department of agriculture (USDA) released the 2010 dietary guidelines for Americans, and I have already seen that taking heavy criticism of our two radical groups. It has too many grains and not enough beef for the low-carbers, and are not earthy-crunchy, uber-veggie enough for the vegans.
The core of the new directives basically says: "meet the new boss, same as the old boss." USDA officials are encouraging people to still enjoy their food, but eating in moderation and stick to healthier fare: nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and dairy, seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans and peas, and nuts and seeds. Also the old standby-opinion: limiting saturated fat, fast food, and refined sugar and sweets. No duh.
But think what people-pay attention vegans and low-carbers-these guidelines are the the Government can do, best period.
The vast majority of people eat some of these and some of that; which contains meat, cereals, fruit and vegetables. Maybe it's because we are omnivores. But if you are choosing a radical, vegan or low-carb, go ahead, just don't expect a "food revolution". Your "revolutionary" diet (usually peddled by some fame-hungry, so-called "health" guru) will never become the norm. National health organizations will never roll out food reform that only calls for fruit and vegetables and no meat or vise versa.
Health institutions need to the masses, and the masses as meat, dairy, fruit, vegetables, sweets, salt, refined grains, whole grains, fast food, and everything there. The USDA tries a balance, that hopefully will inspire the majority of Americans to eat better.
No one cares about a handful of loudmouth vegans and low-carbers. Directives of the official diet contains always all kinds of foods-get over it.
Image credit: wizkid1

Thursday 10 February 2011

Britain's Biggest Burger: 4,747 Calories

Of Oscar Dinner, a restaurant in Shropshire, United Kingdom, have made headlines with their huge "Titanic" Burger, with a whopping 4200 calories (and that's before you add the fries, and milkshake).
That is the daily intake of an average woman for two days ... and a dieter nightmare.
The restaurant came up with the burger as a crowd-drawing challenge,

Hungry customers should eat the burger, a large part of the chips, a jar of Cabbage, wash it all down with the ice cream milkshake, within 45 minutes.
The burger costs £ 15 (approx. $ 23), and is stacked high with:
two 1 pound beef pat ties six strips of bacontwo chicken breasts two potato waffles four onion rings cheese and mayonaise
So far, about a hundred people taken on the challenge. Fifteen Member States have succeeded.
Health experts have spoken out against the burger, with dietitian Lucy Jones describes it as, "The fastest route to A&E with a heart attack."
Of Oscar Dinner saying, "We are not forcing anyone anything to eat. It's just a bit of fun. "
What do you think? This is a fun marketing gimmick, or an example of dangerous super-sizing?
Image credit: timparkinson

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Dangers of Reality Weight Loss Shows

There is no denying that obesity has become a compelling cultural obsession, it is clear from our insatiable desire for programs such as The Biggest Loser, I used to be fat and other such nonsense.
When The Biggest Loser began airing on our TV screens, I must admit that I thought it would be a great way to inspire millions of viewers to get up off the couch and finally lose some weight.
However, there is another side to these programmes, which most people don't even know ... and it's not a pretty picture.
Their emphasis on body image, which can eating disorders and other dangerous behaviours. Weight loss is too fast, which can lead to heart problems, bone loss, electrolyte imbalances and other serious problems.The practice of the "behind the scenes", that some of the participants have admitted to participate in, such as fasting and drying prior to the weigh-ins.While people on these shows temporarily lose weight can, much suffering in the long term eating disorders-I wonder if this is properly addressed, and what happens to them after the show ends?People watching at home may be inclined to try some of the extreme exercises is promoted, leading to serious injury or hospitalization can lead.
Here is what Ali Vincent, of season 5 of The Biggest Loser had to say,

If I were in the grocery store, I am doing lunges up and down the aisles. In the checkout line, could you do squats. I used to have to worry about what people think of me, but don't care anymore. I know I'm going to get the last laugh.
That smacks of serious obsession for me.
On the other side of the coin, however, are the health consequences of overweight
regularly discussed on these programs, and maybe the cold, hard reality present in this way could act as a wake-up call for the viewers watching on.
At the end of the day, if the General focus on the health, instead of how many pounds can be lost in a week, wouldn't we discuss these health issues.
But, I think that a show called, "Let's Get healthy," wouldn't draw in many viewers, relatively.
As Mike said in a previous article, "no one wants to see a show where people lose two pounds per week to a meaningful exercise and nutrition program." Sad, but true!

Monday 7 February 2011

Cabbage Soup Diet

Learn how to lose 10 pounds in 7 days with the Cabbage Soup Diet.

Check it out!

Friday 4 February 2011

Mediterranean Diet Secrets

Healthy Mediterranean diet weightloss without the need for fad diets. Mediterranean Diet Recipes. Mediterranean Diet Information

Check it out!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Richardson Cancer Diet by Dr. Janet Hull

A natural effective cancer diet for people with cancer or for the prevention of cancer.

Check it out!

Monday 31 January 2011

McDonald's worker fired for Office Adrian Peterson Pee

Would have fired her for a fan of the Vikings, plus to let some dude use the bathroom late at night.
But despite her poor choice of football teams, an assistant manager at McDonald's only for letting Minnesota Vikings "star," running back Adrian Peterson was fired, use the toilet after hours.
Here's the problem. It was 3 hours and only the drive-thru was open, the rest of the "restaurant" was closed. So by letting go of pee-pee AP she broke the rules. Are clear cut to me.
It was early-early in the morning, and the employee saw a man standing outside the window drive-thru, ask to come in. When she realized the Adrian Peterson, she opened the doors to let AP tinkle.
A week later, McDonald dropped the hammer and fired her. In an interview the ex-employee pleaded her case: "he is a public figure ... I know him better than some of the maintenance people who come in and out, "she said," I never thought in a million years that this decision was going to cost me my career. "
Sorry, that you screw up. I understand AP is a local hero, but they blew it. If storage policy to closing the doors in the night, they broke the rules, and as an assistant manager they would better should know.
What if some gun-wielding maniac hastily as they opened the door, then McDonald's would be faced with a lawsuit, not only what bad PR for firing this mother of three.
That is why I am one of the Raider nation. My guys don't have a toilet at 3 a.m. they just pass out in the parking lot of the bar, and let nature take its course.
Image credit: cinnamongirl

Overweight young adults and social Clusters

Heavier young adults tend to hang out with and date other people with overweight.
Although this research doesn't seem to be inherently shocking, the study shows a promotion of sub-finding--overweight young adults have more social contacts are trying to lose weight and more intentions to lose weight.
Study author, Dr. Tricia M. Leahey, assistant professor of Psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Medical School, said the findings support previous research that health behaviour and their results, "cluster" within social networks.
The study included 151 participants of normal weight, overweight or obese and 137 men and women. Participants completed questionnaires about their weight, height, the number of overweight social contacts and their perceived social norms for overweight and obesity-related behavior.
Previous research by Harvard Medical School has found that a person chance to obese 57% if a friend becomes obese, 40% if a brother or sister is obese and 37 percent increases if a spouse is obese.
Despite this, Leahey and her team discovered that,
as overweight young adults have more social contacts trying to lose weight, they have larger intentions to lose weight.
Why did those who had social contacts try to lose weight that they tried to lose itself? Leahey says social standards to lose weight, such as promotion of others and their approval for weight loss, account for the Association.
Researchers are not sure or overweight people find other people who are overweight, or or normal weight people who are friends with people who are overweight become put on weight.
Leahey suggests that it probably is both. People who are overweight tend to attract each other, but they also describes the phenomenon as a social contamination.
It is somewhat encouraging to know that although people are attracted to people with similar habits, they are also the objectives of friends and partners.
Leahey suggests that overweight young adults work together with other overweight peers who are trying to lose weight.
Do you think overweight social networks have a net positive effect on weight loss efforts?
Image credit: mor10am

View the original article here

Sunday 30 January 2011

Lose weight with NLP

With the huge amount of diets on the market these days, you probably feel like you've seen it all.
However, "losing weight with NLP" is probably something a little different than the norm.
The original founders of NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler and John Grinder,
, argued that NLP would instrumental in "finding ways to help people better, fuller and richer life". They coined the term "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" to indicate their faith in a connection between neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("language") and behavioral patterns that are learned by experience ("program"), and can be organized to specific goals to achieve in life. Source
And this book, lose weight with NLP by Lindsey Agness, focuses on changing our relationship with food, so we can "lose weight effortlessly."
Although I am a little skeptical when it comes to claims like this, after receipt of a copy of the book, I was pleasantly surprised by its approach.
It seems that many of the diet books available these days, an integral part, i.e. omit, focusing on our difficult relationships with food, and how to change it. This book covers it pretty well.
Some of the topics covered in the book include, how to stop dieting and start living, understanding your emotions, how to reprogram your brain, and how to banish food cravings.
But, if you are after a specific, step-by-step diet and exercise plan, this book is not for you. And although is includes a few chapters on diet and exercise, that is not the main theme.
This book is all about what you "focus" and how this can affect the ability to your weight loss goals. According to Agness, by focusing on what you do not what--' does not fat "-you will be getting exactly what you don't want. I think there's a huge amount of truth in that.

The use of this book
To get the most out of weight loss with NLP, use it as a workbook. There is a lot of room for writing your own thoughts and objectives, and this will undoubtedly help with increasingly targeted.
I certainly wouldn't blame everything in this book, but overall is a useful guide. You can buy it at Amazon for $ 14.

Food-Minded Parenting: When Is it too much?

In a convenience-driven world where children are bearing the brunt of the consequences in the form of obesity and subpar health, it is understandable that many parents striving towards creating healthy eating habits in their children.
But when offer good nutrition cross the line to orthorexia?
Self appointed obesity lawyer Meme Roth (perhaps best known for her tirade against "over-the-heavier-side" American Idol participant Jordin Sparks) daily exercise for her children, as well as a "no sugar-at-the-school-week" policy enforces. She is heavily involved in anti-obesity campaigns, boycott Girl Scout cookies and fight for a ban on cupcakes in schools.
There are no definitive guidelines to what "obsessive" or even "about doing", when it comes to how parents food in the household. I will, however, throw some suggestions in the hat and welcome input from all-agree/disagree or add your own. "Rules" on what children can and cannot eat strictly enforced.Posts by ideal body weight vs. health.Hyperfocus on healthy eating to the point where it is continually harped on.Insist on only eating organic.Universal qualifications and extremes to categorize foods (good vs. bad food). "Sugarphobia "," fat-phobia "or other irrational food category-shunning.Enforcement of restrictive eating as raw veganism, very low carb diet or other extremes (without the guidance of a professional).Openly negative attitude towards those who are as healthy as you do not eat.Censure as children create an unhealthy choice. Exaggerate or catasrophizing the consequences of not eating enough of a particular food (vegetables) or too much of other foods (take your pick).
The world of nutrition is confusing enough for adults. With two young children of my own I see the fight and them myself experienced. I am learning there is a delicate balance to the all-bringing up children on making healthy choices, while they enjoy all foods.
Role-models good food choices as well as monitoring without guilt indulgences will help create positive associations with food.
Image credit: riqbang

Fruit and vegetables ' skin ' Tan without the Sun

Take fruit and vegetables, says like carrots and tomatoes, gives a more attractive complexion than regular suntans, a new study.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), reduces high fruit and vegetable intake is a risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke; Which data claims 2.7 million eating more fruits and vegetables can save lives worldwide every year.
But, nutrients and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are also responsible for better complexion.
Published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, say researchers carotenoids-a group of powerful antioxidants-found in plant foods such as carrots and tomatoes give people a "healthy glow."
The scientists put nutrients in fruit and vegetable sector, particularly antioxidants, are the building blocks for the production of new skin cells.
For the study, researchers used a computer program which allows study participants to change the images of 51 faces, by increasing or decreasing their skin tone based on suntan or carotenoids. People told to color the faces to make them look as healthy as possible. In the end, the study participants the appearance of the faces tanned with carotenoids on the sun tan ned faces preference.
Most people tan in the Sun, but overexposure to the Sun-i.e. ultraviolet rays-can lead to cancer of the skin. The United States Centers for disease and prevention lists sunburn early in life as a risk factor for cancer of the skin.
The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends avoiding tanning salons and tanning lamps, and using Sun screen when outside in the Sun.
But sunlight is important. Our bodies convert ultraviolet rays to vitamin d. vitamin d that helps prevent depression, cancer, heart disease and other maladies.

Image credit: South Park Studios

Saturday 29 January 2011

Poll: The Black Swan diet

Life imitating Hollywood or Hollywood imitate life?
The "Black Swan" diet has recently emerged as a result of the new film "The Black Swan" starring Natalie Portman, who was just nominated for best actress Academy Award for her role.
Already lost slim Portman 20 pounds for her role as a ballerina with hunger themselves and intensive training.
Now it seems that this is yet another dieting craze started as women want the bony physique which was played in the film.
People realize that movies are not reality and what we see on the big screen, whether it be lean or very muscular, came at a high price with much help from experts in nutrition and personal training?
Portman started eating again once filming was finished and in no way "The Black Swan" diet encourages.
What do you think about our strange obsession with Hollywood and what we see in the movies? Participate in the survey and comments below.
Are people too obsessed with the physique pictured in the movies?

Great breakfast help not to lose weight

Somewhere along the line you may have heard that the key to weight loss is "Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a pauper".
But, if you like a King for breakfast food, can you royally ticked on your lack of progress, according to a study in the journal nutrition.
Volker Schusdziarra, MD, of the Else Kröner-Fresenius Center for nutritional medicine in Munich, has a study on 380 normal weight and obese people who were asked to report what they ate.
Within the group, sometimes people ate a big breakfast, sometimes small, and sometimes completely skipped. Schusdziarra,
"People ate the same thing for lunch and dinner, regardless of what they had for breakfast."
Research Note that for those who ate a really big breakfast, they often skipped a morning snack, but this did not offset the surplus that they had eaten all days end.
This study also underlines the fact that your body is smarter than you are. The breakfast is very individual. Not only is it unwise to scarf down a huge breakfast if your goal is fat loss, but you should not eat breakfast at all if you're not hungry. It would be interesting to see the content/caloric distribution of breakfast as this consequences as to the total calorie intake might have. Higher protein breakfast food can keep you fuller longer, leading to a total calorie deficit can contribute.

Conclusion:Eat like a wise King-most of the time.

Image credit: david. nikonvscanon

CherFitness: A New Attitude [VHS]

This is Etta James's first full-length album, recorded for Chess Records' Argo subsidiary in 1960. It taps all aspects of her then-blossoming talent. There's the crooning rock ballad "My Dearest Darling" and the elegantly symphonic "Sunday Kind of Love." Her classic, brokenhearted "All I Could Do Was Cry" follows the sweet title track and the bawdy blues stomper "I Just Want to Make Love to You." And there's a version of Harold Arlen's "Stormy Weather," which Lena Horne made famous. James's fine way with such a wide embrace of material wouldn't again be this well displayed on a single album until she was united with producer Jerry Wexler for 1977's Deep in the Night. --Ted Drozdowski
Price: $9.98

Click here to buy from Amazon

Friday 28 January 2011

Shop'NCook Home - Recipe Organizer and Grocery Shopping Manager for Windows and Mac

Shop'NCook is two applications in one, a recipe organizer and a
shopping list manager working seamlessly together to facilitate your
grocery shopping and cooking. Recipes are easily added by typing them
in, pasting them from the clipboard, or importing directly from the
internet: no formatting is necessary. The smart wizard interprets the
recipes, links them to the database of grocery items or to other
recipes and yields an accurate nutritional analysis without user's
You organize your recipes by categories and in cookbooks that you can
share with anyone with the free Shop'NCook Reader software. A powerful
scaling tool lets you scale the ingredients and the text of your
recipes, make ingredient substitutions and unit conversions. You add
the ingredients of the recipes to the shopping list with a click. The
quantities are scaled and converted automatically to your preferred
shopping units. Contrary to most cooking software, grocery lists can
also be created by directly selecting items of the database, adding
from sublists or just typing in new items.
Other features: fully customizable database of more than 2000 grocery
items with nutritional data for more than 40 nutrients; recipe import
in several popular formats (scx, mm, mxp, mx2 and plain text);
nutrition scripts to control the display of nutritional information and
compute custom nutritional formulas; e-mail tool to send recipes and
shopping lists; direct access to an online recipe database where
Shop'NCook users share their recipes.
The CD contains the installers for Windows and Mac OS X platforms. The
installers include three cookbooks totaling about 1000 recipes.
Price: $49.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

DietPower - Personal Calorie Counter, Nutrient Tracker, Weight Loss and Diet Software

Of all the weight loss programs on the market today, only DietPower guarantees reaching your goal weight on your target date. Our award-winning diet software makes any diet more powerful by helping you control what all diet plans have in common: calories. Our software also balances your intake of 33 vitamins and minerals by recommending foods you like. This extraordinary degree of personalization is one reason weight watchers rate our calorie counter and diet program the world's best.

Besides counting calories, our diet software shows nutrition facts for 21,000 foods, plans menus, tracks calories burned in exercise, charts body measurements, "doctors" recipes for healthy weight loss, delivers personalized nutrition news and features, lets you meet weight watchers online, and more...

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Price: $39.99

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Thursday 27 January 2011

Burn Fat - Diets that Work

Dieting striped bare, No fancy meals, No expensive drugs. A diet that will work every day of your life.

Check it out!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

The Lunch Box Diet System - 'Best Diet Ever' 5/5 By Elle Magazine

If you're looking to promote a diet with 5 star reviews, extensive media coverage, news video clips and much more. iate-program

Check it out!

Obesity costs the U.S. $270 billion per year

Obesity healthcare and productivity in work costs the United States and Canada $300 billion per year, reveals a new study.
Lion share accounts for money at $270 billion the United States. Canada spends $30 billion
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), in 2005 1.6 billion adults aged 15 and older, overweight and at least 400 million adults were obese, especially in developed countries.
Research by the society of Actuaries (SOA), breaks near 300 billion dollar figure: the United States and Canada spend $127 billion on obesity medical care; $49 Billion loss of employee productivity due to higher prices of death; $43 Billion loss of productivity due to disability employee; and $72 billion in total worker disability.
SOA compile its findings from research published between January 1980 and June 2009. A SOA spokesman said the increasing rate of obesity has an "extraordinary" economic costs, and calls on employers and insurance companies, an active role in helping people to make healthy decisions.
Obesity is defined as with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 and up; below 30 is considered obese.
Also introduced the SOA an online survey of 1,000 adults, found that 83% of respondents would accept a healthy life program if you were given incentives from your health insurance.
In the United States obesity varies from State to State. The United States of centers for disease control and prevention pegs Mississippi as the fattest State; 34.4% of its population is obese. Colorado is the slimmest 18.6%.
Image credit: Kyle may

View the original article here

You need not too skinny to be healthy

Weight makes losing you healthier? A study published in the January issue of the journal nutrition not beats.
Co-author, nutritionist Linda Bacon and nutrition consultant Lucy Aphramor, want a shift in the advice from weight management to "Health at every size (HAES)" to see.
The study together, data from a number of other studies that covered 350,000 people in the United States. The authors that show your results, are overweight or obese isn't as dangerous as we had to believe. Instead advocate to eat a healthy range food and enjoy exercise, regardless of your size.
Bacon was quoted in a press release saying:
For decades Setup and $58.6 billion have on State public health private weight loss industry year focused improving health by losing weight. The result is an unprecedented body dissatisfaction and failed to achieve the desired health outcomes.
Many dieters manage to successfully maintain their weight loss; You may even end up heavier or more unhealthy than you were before dieting.
Bacon and Aphramor are for a health-based approach that call:
Focuses on well-being for all, regardless of their shape or size. measures blood pressure and lipid levels, plus self esteem and body image, rather than Gewichtsverlust.Ermutigt to accept yourself the people like you, are without guilt.
If you are currently overweight (BMI over 25), you focused on your health, not the number on the scale. Many dieters actively unhealthy habits like eating adopted a very narrow range of foods or skip meals, in the long run, this is probably too much more harm than good.
Image credit: minimalist photography

View the original article here

The 100 Calorie Diet - Wow!

Brand New To The Market! 50% Commission! Ground Floor Opportunity! Take advantage of the booming 100 calorie business by promoting the Newest and Hottest diet book on the web. Eat in 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 + calorie units.

Check it out!

Starbucks Trenta: America, what is wrong with you?

Last year we mentioned at the beginning, the trial of super-size Starbucks drink - the Trenta. The Trenta is the next size of Venti and measures up to 31 fluid ounces or 916 MLS. Starbucks have now announced the U.S.-wide roll-out of the drink. Why? According to Starbucks:
We listened to you. She told us on my Starbucks idea and your purchases that you love refreshing iced coffee and tea, beverages, but want that in a bigger size.
Venti is not large enough. Obviously we want it even bigger.
Before you shake my fist in Holy nutritional outrage, let's get the facts right here. The only drinks offered in this size is blend iced tea and iced coffee. The Trenta iced coffee is about 220 calories with 42 grams of sugar. Get perspective, a 12 ounce can has Coca Cola 39 grams of sugar.
The Trenta is not a calorie-laden monstrosity, nor does Starbucks is the harbinger of death. The problem here is the consumer and the problem with consumers is one thing:
In the last decade we have all rising obesity rates, healthcare costs been sensitized. We have environmentally aware and sustainability to become aware and to entertain even the idea of moderation. We only have one planet and we need to share with others on this planet. Most of us aware that the United States consumes a significant amount of resources of the world, and yet somehow we are addicted to more.
We can see the biggest loser. We can buy our diet books. We can argue about the diet regime is best. We discuss workouts and Zumba or Pilates.
Here's a better idea:
Start we facing up to such as greed and claim supported so many facets of our culture and our obsession with overconsumption will actually hurt us might.

View the original article here

Monday 24 January 2011

Want to lose fat? to reach another meal here are top 10 reasons

Have you ever wondered why it seems impossible to lose weight, no matter which diet you try? The reasons below will help you to understand why your weight loss efforts in the past may not have given you the results you had hoped for.

1. Diets will destroy your metabolism
Calories are not evil. They are not something to be avoided at all costs. Calories are a unit of ENERGY. Your body needs energy every day, and it does its best to stay in a state of balance (calories in = calories out, energy consumed = energy burned). Thus, if you suddenly cut calories in an effort to lose weight, your body will react accordingly. Your body does not know why it is suddenly receiving less energy, but in order to maintain balance, it will immediately begin to slow down your metabolism in order to match your energy burned with your energy consumed. That is why you will eventually see weight loss slow, then stop. This is also the main reason why dieters will gain their weight back, and then some. By dieting, you have programmed your body to burn significantly fewer calories throughout the day, so as soon as the diet ends and calorie intake increases, that extra energy will now be stored as fat.
2. Diets will make you fatter
Muscle is metabolically active tissue, meaning it is burning calories throughout the day, while body fat is basically stored energy. Think of muscle as your metabolism's engine. The bigger the engine (more muscle mass) you have, the faster your metabolism can run. Unfortunately, one of the ways that your body slows down its metabolism in reaction to a diet is by cannibalizing muscle mass, and using it for energy. So, while the scale will be telling you that you are losing weight, your metabolism will be cratering because some of the weight you are losing will be muscle mass. Then, after you quit the diet and go back to your normal way of eating, when you gain the weight back, it does not come back as the muscle you lost, but as fat. So, not long after you quit the diet, not only will you weigh the same, or more, than you did when you started, but you will have more fat, less muscle, and a slower metabolism.
3. Diets leave you with no energy
As we have learned, calories are units of energy, and your body needs energy to get through the day. Did you realize that a 160 lb man, who did nothing for 24 hours but lay in a hammock and breathe, would burn in the neighborhood of 1600 calories? Dieters will often eat as few as 800 to 1000 calories per day, so it is easy to see why they would feel tired and run down. Since carbohydrates provide our main source of fuel (glucose and glycogen), low carb diets zap you even more. Did you know that while your body can burn fat for fuel, your brain and central nervous system can only use glucose for fuel? That is why, especially during the induction phase of low carb fad diets, people often feel sluggish, irritable, and not as sharp mentally as normal. Of course, every low carb dieter will tell you that it is only bad for a few days, then your energy levels pick up again. That is because your body, wonderful machine that it is, can manufacture its own glucose to provide energy for your brain. Unfortunately, it does this by breaking down muscle mass into its component amino acids, which it then converts to glucose. So, while you may be more alert once again, this is a sure sign that your metabolism is now slowing down as you cannibalize muscle mass to make up for the energy deficit the diet is causing.
4. Diet programs are usually unrealistic
Counting calories, points, food exchanges, grams of this and grams of that, is just not a realistic strategy for long term weight loss. We all lead busy lives and being forced to do ridiculous calculations every time you eat is no way to live. Unless you are measuring all of your food, most people will generally underestimate the amount that they eat, often by more than 50% (what you estimate to be 1 cup is probably 1 ½ cups, 4 ounces is probably 6, and so on). This is especially problematic in restaurants or other social settings. So, the calculations will not even be accurate anyway.
5. Diets provide false hope to get you hooked
Anyone who goes on a calorie restricted diet, especially a low carb diet, will generally experience a significant weight loss in the first week or two. Diet programs will often try to hook you in with promises of big weight loss up front. When that promise comes true, the diet guru or diet center or supplement seller has you under their spell. The reality is, it is very easy to lose 5, 6, 7 or more pounds in your first week or two on a diet, and the reason is simple. Most of that weight is water. Of course, the person at the diet center won't tell you that. They will claim that their product or program is the magic behind your success, when the truth is you are just losing water that your body needs. Remember that we said your body's main sources of energy are glucose and glycogen? Glucose, or blood sugar, is the product of carbohydrate digestion. Glycogen is glucose that has been stored in the muscles and liver. When you severely cut back on calories, especially carbohydrates, you do not adequately replenish your muscle glycogen as you use it. Well, each gram of glycogen stored in your muscles holds 1.4 grams of water with it, so when your glycogen levels are depleted, water weight loss results. As soon as you replace your glycogen stores, that weight will come back on.
6. Diets make you feel like a failure
Eventually, everyone will 'cheat' on their diet, or more likely, go off of it all together. When that happens, the inevitable wave of guilt is sure to follow as you tell yourself that you blew it. The diet industry has to be the only industry in this country where nobody gets what they pay for, and then they blame themselves for it. Of course, people will often punish themselves for blowing it by going on a binge, which just makes the guilt worse and compounds the problem. Convinced that this failure was their own fault, the person then often goes off in search of another diet.
7. Fad diets are unhealthy
Any diet that eliminates entire food categories such as carbohydrates or fats robs your body of important nutrients. As discussed above, carbohydrates provide your body with its main source of fuel. And, while trans fats and saturated fats should be avoided, did you realize that your body needs a certain level of fat in the diet in order to function properly? Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are healthy fats and a critical part of your daily nutrition. Also, diets that force you to eat ridiculous foods, such as nothing but cabbage soup, rely on semi-starvation for their temporary weight loss effects, causing many unpleasant side effects in your body.
8. Fad diet marketers lie to you
Promises of fast, effortless weight loss are simply lies designed to make your wallet smaller much faster than your waistline. No infomercial gadget or magic pill or supplement will lead to long term weight loss. If any of these products really worked, don't you think you might hear about in on the news instead of some cheesy late night infomercial? Face it, if any of them really worked, nobody would be fat! The truth is, real long term weight loss takes effort, and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying to you.
9. Diets will stress you out
If you are spending your day worrying about how many calories you have eaten, or how many points you have left, or if you have had too many grams of carbs since lunch, it is inevitable that other activities, duties, and responsibilities of yours will suffer. Modern life has enough stress without adding in unnecessary and, in the long run, unproductive stress on top. Food and nutrition are essential parts of life that should be enjoyed, not feared, dreaded, or micromanaged. Committing to simple lifestyle changes instead of regimented diet rules is a more effective approach to weight loss, that will also allow you to keep your sanity intact.
10. Diets do not work
It cannot be said any more simply than that. Diets by themselves do not work. Repeat that to yourself until it sinks in for good. If all of the evidence above is not enough to convince you, just think about it. How many people do you know who have been on one diet? None. They have all been on dozens of different diets, right? Well, if any one of those diets really worked and resulted in healthy, permanent weight loss, why would anyone need another? The reason that there are hundreds of diets out there is because none of them work, and the diet marketers know that. They are just banking that you don't know it yet, and will hopefully give them more money to try one of their other miracle diets.

Of the four most popular types-free diet program

It is recommended to find online if you are looking for a diet weight loss program free to base programs. Almost any type of free of eating program found on the Internet is. Although the diet programs in terms of the approach contained in different styles and weight loss program, food food type phase takes.

Diet plan to your of diet can base selection programs to the following are examples of the types. These types are most people is most common ones are well known. Others are relatively new but some around is long.

Fixed menu of diet program

Diet plan for one fixed menu of food is the plan. The benefits of this plan is easy to understand this diet plan a clear menus and recipes. For more information, over time with list has not been completed. With programs in the list. Something you can replace.

Drawback is that this diet plan dull apt. There is no change and still. Custom menus are now manufacturing difficulties initiates and terminates the program, and lose interest in the menu tend to gain weight again.

Diet exchange type of plan

Is the diet food of another plan exchange type of plan. This diet plan is a big challenge can exchange it food. When swapping the only goal is finding the proper amount to match the Exchange amount. The advantage of this diet plan is possible variations of the foods you eat. Adds, subtracts a certain foods and combinations.

When you don't know how to perform the steps to balance against becomes. To find an appropriate match for later, you need food that may be difficult.

Example South Beach this diet plan of diet is. South Beach of diet you can eat anything unless it complies with the requirements you must eat food group.

Packaged diet diet program

Packaged diet diet plans. It is this diet plan is implemented strictly diet plan size and aspect ratio. Packaged diet diet plan benefits is carefully and appropriately measured. Produces different size matters and calorie intake.

It is in disadvantage, in this type of hand than other types of more expensive. So you must buy food ratio and the size that you want to eat this type. Do you need to buy first before this type of diet can cook yourself, please contact us.

Liquid and powder formulas or replace a diet plan

Still diet of a different type of plan is part of your diet (this is usually powder-based) replace the liquid formula, diet program is. Exchange which is also well known as the diet plan. Description, diet plan liquid formula, food swaps. Liquid formula has need for the same calories as food. Diet this type of plan benefits this is the short period of time is a very effective weight loss program. You can be in the form of liquid formula shake or juice.

Hydraulic diet planning downside is usually fast of diet to gaining the weight back when it is.

Medifast demonstrates this type of diet program. 5 Sets of individual diet hydraulic diet and 1 day 1 green and lean diet should be.

Now incorporated in various diet available plans, basic knowledge in your daily life free of food can select the program-and diet I think the work plan.

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Sunday 23 January 2011

1 Meal program should I choose?

Become confused, because many programs are lost find today on the market made easy with diet program and embarrassed. Identify your friends and family may of diet or propose a system that worked for them but they must be aware not. However, should you choose?

Is obsessed with weight we and we look in this world continuously advertised in the newspaper and media and on television actually go anywhere we are. Our body mass and weight is too much would be slim when myself and happiness and success can be. All our confidence, our personality and our lives are what right for your of diet affect the program has.

Surfing the Internet, so you can diet of the many programs and institutions. For example the Atkins of diet, Cambridge of diet, balanced and diet pills diet's three-day diet, Detox diet s, soup diet s, cabbage diet s, diet recipes cholesterol of diet of s, juice of meal s, grapefruit diet s, during pregnancy of meal s, dessert s diet s, food useful and also diet Coke. Hey, to choose from there just too much. Or choose one to choose?: and it with the right one for you not can spend days of searching an ideal not only for diet plan to. Looking for the right though 95 percent of all people who start the diet another of feed to restart. This is obviously Primeiro diet did not work in the long term. Whether or not the proceeding phase goes to people, but they get results, and fail to see is something ready.

All diet er may have any diet how to program what works for them and his or her own first educate first. Need to get the parameter settings and configuration guidelines.

1) Has to say and want on your own first how much weight to lose.

What period 2) in the do you want to lose this weight.

3) Do you want to lose weight from anywhere.

4), And it affected my life will affect the relationship of people to share the experience of diet plan with me and I.

You must sort out something with the type of plan is sort of what you're looking for your guidelines.

The hunger diet s; back immediately to stop losing weight of time if you significantly reduce the intake of food in a short period of time, but diet plan and turn it on. In General, hunger 's diet to; committed to fat. In fact committed to water retention in the muscles. So loosen the strength and lose weight muscle bulk and scale and it shows. But not only in this fat lose water weight.

Other diet program instructs you to reduce your calorie intake. It is easy. Calories answer is no, but because the effects, 1000 calories calories intake in one week whether or not reduced to 1000 calories or less use your body and break it and all those extra calories to burn the same think to adapt your body by reducing your calorie intake. Is burning calories I thought you might have had. Your body will adapt fewer calories. As a result, losing weight does not. However, you cannot further reach weight plateau.

Atkins contains a lot of planning to the diet or Ornish diet create a heart surgeon and the heart. Atkins of diet is introduced to rapidly before heart surgery for obesity or overweight people to lose weight. Yes it works. Again, eat the food group plan specific meat or a specific means, cutting other. You cannot find an extra supplement can eat a lot of interesting enough, one type of meat food, rather than in normal balanced diet and supplements vitamins are vitamins your be proud.

Cabbage soup diet will not work. Diet-, water-based stick to fruit to reduce the weight of the diet soup. Toxins and waste can be flush left your body is to take your body detox and side effects are headache. Water-based of diet will take to complete your diet, increase awareness of your taste buds and make you feel healthy these toxins. Will reduce your food cravings, but side effects such as headaches. Any more than not recommended to the 7 day period. Is the root weight of quick fix especially lose opportunity or wedding, the first of these opportunities.

Diet plan and diet ing to know and if you want some success.