Sunday 10 April 2011

High content of proteins, diets low in carbohydrates with compound of Colon cancer

Persons after a high content of protein, low carbohydrate diet may be an increased risk of colon cancer, says a new study, due to changes in the colon.
High content of proteins, "low-carb" diets advocate eating foods heavy in saturated fat and Bacon, eggs, red meat and dairy products, but to avoid foods high in carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals and fruits.
This is in contrast with the advice of traditional diet, recommended to eat less animal products and more fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers since 17 obese men on diets of tres-corto term.
The first diet was a plan of one week that allowed 360 grams of carbohydrate each day and includes food such as eggs and toast for breakfast; a sandwich and salad for lunch. and pasta with fish or soybean for dinner.
Number two, a four-week plan, diet allowed a lean 22 grams of carbohydrates per day; Bacon and eggs for breakfast; lunch and dinner consisted of foods high in meat, poultry, fish and some cheeses and vegetables.
The last of the diet, a "moderate-" carbohydrates, allowed only 181 grams of carbohydrate each day for four weeks; both diets of high protein biscuits amounted to less than 140 grams of protein every day.
After each diet, scientific fecal samples of men collected and analyzed the levels of specific metabolic by-products; find to eat a diet high in proteins, males had higher levels of N-nitrous, and other compounds related to cancer. In addition, samples showed lower levels of compounds that help reduce the risk of cancer.
However, scientists not sure how these results will affect health long term of a person, but they suggest be cautious before taking any diet that is low in dietary fiber. Meat does not contain fiber. Health experts recommend adults consume 28 grams of fiber a day.
Diets low in carbohydrates rose to fame in 1972 when Dr. Robert Atkins published Dr. Atkins diet revolution promote the consumption of foods with high content of fat for weight loss and challenging approach of low fat content.
Since then, many books have been written advocating meat more to improve health, claiming ancestors human were mainly hunters and mainly consume meat. But this opinion continues to be controversial and not accepted.
In previous years, the American Heart Association has cooled down in its criticism of low carbohydrate diets; recognition of low carbohydrate diets provide some benefit in the treatment of conditions such as metabolic syndrome.
Image credit: dreilinger

Saturday 9 April 2011

United States prohibited Japanese food due to radiation

As damage nuclear reactors in Japan will continue to get out of control and concern about the increase of contaminated food, the United States now has banned the import of some food from Japan.
Food United States and drugs (FDA) issued the edict Wednesday, when Japanese officials found radiation in crops near the reactors made. The FDA does not want contaminated food to enter the U.S. food supply.
Last week, Japan fears that radioactive materials released into the air, after the earthquake which damaged nuclear reactors, could contaminate local crops. Japanese health experts warned that this radiation could increase the risk of certain cancers such as leukemia and bone and thyroid cancer.
So the FDA stopped imports of dairy products and fruit and vegetables from affected areas of Japan. Also, Japanese seafood will be the subject of radiation detection before that you can sell.
But according to the FDA, food imports from the accounts of less than 4% of United States food Japan. For example, restaurants in New York not to import a large amount of fresh products of Japan.
While restaurants have not experienced shortage of supplies, because many ingredients are grown in the United States, other products, these wrappers from rice and nori, soon may be imported from places as Korea of the South.
And Japan is facing another challenge. The evidence shows in Tokyo tap water contains levels of radioactive iodine double the safe limit for children. Radioactive particles take drops of moisture in the air. Health officials announced that it is not safe for parents in Tokyo to give their babies the tap water.
Until now, Japan has banned the sale of raw milk and spinach in States near the damaged reactor.
In 1986, the meltdown of Chernobyl in the Ukraine (now Ukraine) RSS devastated and large displaced populations and is linked to widespread and severe defects of birth in the region.
Government agencies in Japan, however, continue to minimize immediate risks to human health, as well as those of the United States; they fear that the radiation will reach the West Coast, which has.
Image credit: trends in Japan

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The lovers of the salt can be halted with exercise hypertension

There is some good news for lovers of the salt! According to some new research, people who exercise are less likely than their blood pressure elevated by a diet high in sodium.
A high salt diet has been widely accepted as one of the main factors that contribute to high blood pressure, but this new research shows that some "sensitive to salt" people may have found a loop hole.
The research was conducted by Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, who studied a group of people in northern China that consists in around 1900 men and women with a median age of 38. None of the participants were hypertension medicines.
During the first week of the study participants received a diet that delivered 3000mg of sodium. The next week they received a diet of 18,000 mg of sodium per day. Everyone's blood pressure was measured 9 times that every week and participants called for a series of questions to determine their level of exercise. Those who had a 5% increase in systolic blood pressure when he joined the high sodium diet were labeled as "highly sensitive salt".
The results showed that persons who were the most active were 38% less likely to be highly sensitive salt than the less active group. The next group of higher activity had a lower risk of 17 per cent and that in the next group of less activity had a lower risk of 10%. The researchers concluded that those exercising significantly reduced their risk of developing hypertension due to the sensitivity of salt. The researchers noted that while the results of this study are promising, they need to be repeated and pairs revised.
While this study is good news for all lovers of salt there, caution before you use the study as an excuse to consume more sodium. It is important to bear in mind that even those who were is in danger, as exercise only reduced the risk by 38%.
People who exercise still must have its pressure they checked regularly and adjust accordingly of sodium intake.

Monday 4 April 2011

Does diet makes you angry and stressed?

The idea of reaching a stick of celery when all really want is a large slice of chocolate cake, probably would make most people a bit grumpy.
And, according to the results published in the Journal of Consumer Research, exercise self-control, while diet can in fact that people feel angry and irritable.
Research has shown that exercise self-control makes most likely people to behave aggressively towards others, and people on diets are known to be irritable and quick anger. Source
Researchers establish four experiments to compare the attitudes of the volunteers who were on a diet, with those who ate what they wanted. They found that:
Participants who choose an Apple on a bar of chocolate were more likely to choose movies had plots angry, full of revenge. Those who choose a gift certificate for food rather than one for a spa service, showed more interest in looking at angry faces against the more fearful.And, in another experiment, people who chose a healthy snack rather than a health irritated by a public service announcement, promote the year.
Interestingly, researchers have linked to these feelings of anger, irritation and stress to the Act of self-control while exercising diet, rather than "diet" Yes.
The researchers point out that more aware of the potential negative emotions, which can result when the public are encouraged to exercise more control auto on its daily decisions makers of public policy.
Why does you - be on a diet that sits more irritated or angry? As the options of food are it heals without feeling as he is being denied to you same?
Image source: Kreutziana

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Dr Pepper launches 'he-man' diet soda

Diet soda is not very "virile". Not that I put much material on what constitutes "Manhood" as often varies according to social whims and trends.
It is the fact, diet soda is heavily marketed to women - up is now. Introduction "Dr. Pepper 10", a pop diet makes no bones about their target market, proclaiming the end of his TV spot "is not for women". The commercial is like induced testosterone as it gets, essentially a context of "Rambo/predator-esque" with heavy artillery and a pursuit of the vehicle.
Dr Pepper is trying to ball the trend of the previous attempts of Sosa giants with diet, diet Mountain Dew, Diet Coke and Pepsi Max 7-Up, all vying for a market largely untapped.
While the soft drink of diet of the industry segment is gaining ground in its calorie counterpart, are also competing against the trend of bottled water, drinks "healthy alternative" (as improved vitamin juice/water), and drinks of course, energy. The largest beverage companies have adopted these products in all forms, but deviate...
The question is, promotions Dr Pepper has his work cut out for them. Several competitors, does not know that the guys are headache for their "own" diet drinks. I cannot speak on behalf of all men, but it is only my instinct.
Do you think that the Dr Pepper 10 will be a success? Does or will go the way of "New Coke", "Pepsi clear" and "Soda dinner Jones' Thanksgiving"?
Image credit: Popsop

Monday 14 March 2011

Sugary drinks raise blood pressure

Sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks, they may increase the risk of hypertension, says a new study.
Findings showed that each "extra" Tin of sugary soft drinks consumed increased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.
The Centers for disease and Prevention Control warns that any drink containing corn syrup of high fructose, fructose, concentrated juice of fruits, honey, sugar, syrup, corn syrup, sucrose dextrose is considered a "drink sweetened sugar."

Published in the journal of hypertension, researchers examined data on 2,696 volunteers, the ages of 40 to 59, of United States and Great Britain. And more than three weeks, the participants of the study is called four times to report had eaten it in the last 24 hours, give samples of urine and blood pressure.
Data revealed each extra can of soda or beverages sweetened they drank every day, individuals had an average of 1.6 greater mmHg systolic reading blood pressure and an average of 0.8 mm Hg diastolic reading greater. So the researchers recommend people limit the consumption of soft drinks.
In addition, the scientists found that people who eat more normally sweetened beverages have unhealthier diet; more calories and less fiber and minerals.
The American Heart Association encourages reduced consumption of sugar added due to possible health risks, including high blood pressure, I stroke, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Image credit: norcalblogs

Friday 11 March 2011

Study says cholesterol does not cause a stroke

There is a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the issue of the saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease these days. Certainly it seems that cholesterol on their own is a poor predictor of heart disease.
And, to add to this confusing jumble, a new study published in the journal Annals of Neurology suggests that cholesterol has little or no causal role in the development of ischemic.
Conventional advice says that you one of the risk factors for ischemic stroke, high cholesterol levels (when the blood supply to the brain is blocked by the buildup of fatty deposits in the blood vessels).
14,000 men and women were followed by more than 30 years. Researchers analyzed the relationship between the levels of cholesterol and the risk of ischemic stroke. No found no relationship at all in women and any increased risk of stroke in men, less than high cholesterol 9.0 mmol/l (348 mg/dl) or more.
Levels of triglycerides and risk of stroke
Researchers also examined the relationship between the levels of triglycerides and risk of stroke, and discovered that when the risk of heart attack increased triglyceride levels was higher, too.
So, it seems stroke is more closely related to the triglycerides of cholesterol, but if higher levels really cause a stroke is still unknown.
Curiously, previous evidence has linked the triglycerides with increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The researchers concluded,

Download both lipids more benefits to reduce LDL-C only. Source
So, how can we reduce triglyceride levels?
Maintain a healthy weight.Be more active.Avoid high consumption of carbohydrates, especially the simple sugars. Limit the intake of alcohol.Quit smoking.
The Government guidelines recommend a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates, but if you avoid consumption of carbohydrates high is beneficial for triglyceride levels, perhaps conventional nutrition boards require a renewal - what is your opinion?
Image source: Kurhan